Need of Digital and Social Media Marketing For Speciality Hospitals

K R Anantha Narayanan
7 min readMar 30, 2022


by digiananth| Mar 30, 2022

What Specialty Hospitals Need to Know About Digital Marketing


Hospitals have been part of our lives for hundreds of years, and now they’re in the digital age with multiple social media accounts, blogs, and websites used to communicate with patients. It’s important to keep up with the evolution of how to communicate with your patients and maintain their trust through your website and social media accounts, but which ones are most effective? Read on to learn more about specialty hospitals and what they need to know about digital marketing and social media marketing to stay competitive in the medical industry.

Why do you need social media marketing?

Social media marketing isn’t just for big brands and celebrities. Many small businesses have found success in harnessing these platforms to create meaningful conversations with their customers, attract new clients, and develop partnerships. Social media’s role in customer service has changed our expectations about how companies should interact with us. That doesn’t mean that you need hours of free time every day — but it does mean that it pays off when you invest your valuable time into creating an online presence and generating a following. The benefits of social media marketing are many: increased visibility, brand awareness, targeted advertising, customer acquisition — the list goes on. And while social media is a great place for your specialty hospital to engage with existing patients, think about reaching out to potential ones as well. According to one study, 86% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family over all other forms of advertising. So don’t ignore social media marketing — it can be a powerful tool for building relationships with both current and future patients. Here are some basic steps to get started.

Does your hospital have the time or money for digital marketing?

Doctors and administrators at a specialty hospital are pretty busy folks, and finding time for digital marketing may be tough. And if you’re strapped for cash, investing in social media marketing can seem like a luxury you can’t afford. But think about it: How else will you get your message out there? Without an online presence, many prospective patients will never know about your specialty hospital or how you might help them. You need to have some sort of digital marketing strategy in place — even if it’s just posting on Facebook once a week. So what should you do? Here are three ideas: 1. Hire a freelancer or part-time marketer to create content for you and post it regularly on your social media channels. This is probably one of the most cost-effective ways to go, but also one that takes up more time than money. There are plenty of freelance writers who would love a chance to work with you! Be sure they understand that their job is not only writing posts but also scheduling them (so they appear when people want to see them). If possible, find someone who has experience working with hospitals before so they understand how best to reach potential patients through social media channels. And don’t forget: It’s not enough just to write something; make sure they’re posting relevant links as well!

How can you use social media marketing to attract patients?

Find out what type of social media your prospective patients are using. Try to tie a service you provide directly into that social platform, so when people see it, they think of you. For example, if most of your prospective patients have Facebook pages, try a Get well soon post on their walls letting them know about all of your hospital’s services. You can also use hashtags — which are words preceded by hash signs (#) — to get patients’ attention; try joining conversations that relate to your specialty and adding a unique point or two into the mix that shows you know what you’re talking about. The more active you are in social media, the more likely potential patients will be to trust you with their care. And as long as you don’t go overboard and start blasting posts 24/7, there’s no reason why social media marketing shouldn’t work for any specialty hospital. If anything, it’s a great way to connect with other health professionals who may refer new patients your way!

What is storytelling in digital marketing, and why should hospitals care?

With internet marketing, it’s vital for marketers to be able to tell a story about their product or service. Storytelling is a great way of engaging users and getting them interested in your business. One of the best types of stories to tell is a case study, where you can show people how you dealt with an issue they may face themselves. The benefit of case studies is that they are not salesy — your goal isn’t necessarily to make money off anyone reading your content, but simply that you want as many people as possible (especially prospective customers) reading it so that when someone does have an issue, they will think of your business first. Without good storytelling, healthcare marketers won’t stand out from competitors and patients won’t choose their service. Case studies allow hospitals to effectively convey how effective their services are by using relatable examples. What’s more, if done correctly, case studies can also lead to more referrals because readers of your content will see how happy other customers were with your services and recommend you to others who need help. As an added bonus, digital marketing allows hospitals to easily share these digital stories on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter for greater reach!

It is critical that hospitals stay ahead of technology trends by learning all they can about new technologies available in digital marketing today. Understanding how to use social media, websites, blogs and other platforms will help healthcare marketers reach more patients and grow their business. The first step for any hospital looking to get started with digital marketing is to conduct a thorough analysis of their website and make sure it’s up-to-date with current SEO techniques, including mobile optimization. Healthcare marketers should also be familiar with content management systems like WordPress and Drupal so they can update or create pages on their website as needed. Since social media has become such an important part of online marketing, it’s vital for hospitals to learn how each platform works so they know where their target audience spends time online.

Don’t forget about email marketing

It’s easy to forget about email marketing when you’re immersed in social media and website optimization. But don’t do it — email marketing is an incredibly useful way to keep in touch with current customers and grow your list. Keep in mind that as long as there are people who have given you their contact information, there’s always going to be value in reaching out via email. Depending on what kind of industry you’re working in, too, it might even be a great channel for generating leads. The key here is not to let yourself get overwhelmed by all of these different options. Instead, start small and work your way up. Try using one platform at first (like Facebook or Twitter) and once you feel comfortable with that, add another (like Instagram). Then add another after that if necessary. This will help you avoid getting overwhelmed by all of these different platforms but still give you exposure across multiple channels. Once again: plan for success but also plan for failure because no matter how much research you do before launching a new business or campaign, things won’t always go according to plan! If you can embrace that idea from day one, then hopefully you’ll find yourself more prepared than ever for whatever comes next. Good luck!

Another interesting fact about publishing digital content is knowing which type of material will appeal to readers based on their location and language. If we look into localizing content , we know that just like everything else today, websites need to target localized markets in order to attract international audiences.

How do you measure success?

Your online metrics are part of an overall hospital business plan. Having a dedicated digital marketing strategy will help you understand what kinds of changes need to be made in order for your hospital to thrive in a digital world. If social media is important to your hospital, then you need an advertising strategy that focuses on getting more followers and likes on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Online metrics can also help you evaluate new potential patients; for example, if your hospital sees a lot of online traffic from people who live in another state or country, you might want think about creating a travel agency or establishing new partnerships with international travel agencies. Hospital industry plays a vital role in our economy. In India, it employs more than 6 million people directly and 12 million indirectly .In india there are approximately 3100+ hospitals.

Google Analytics — Effective tool for tracking

Google Analytics is a tool that helps you better understand your website visitors by giving you insight into their demographics, where they’re coming from, how long they stay and much more. If you want more detail on your audience, Google Analytics can help. By default, it gives website owners information on pageviews and visitor sessions (all of which provide key insights) but there are many other elements hidden in its depths that should be considered when looking at analytics. In fact, if you know what to look for and how to decipher it all, then Google Analytics becomes an incredibly powerful marketing tool. Here are some ways to get started with advanced reporting in Google Analytics — Go beyond traffic: Knowing who your audience is and where they come from is important, but knowing how engaged they are once they land on your site will give you actionable data that you can use to improve conversions. To do so, check out these three reports: Site Usage > All Pages; Engagement > New vs Returning Visitors; Audience > Demographics & Interests. Looking at each of these reports will give you a clear picture of what your audience wants and how well you’re meeting those needs. For example, if most people who visit your site are using mobile devices, then you might want to reconsider whether or not it makes sense to optimize for desktop users. Similarly, if people from California aren’t converting as well as others, perhaps it would make sense to target them specifically in future campaigns.



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